For:  Chapter V. Page 28. From Booklet


The word men, though is clearly implied by the presence of de, but, in the Apodosis or next dependent clause.  The Ellipsis must therefore be supplied in the first clause by the word "though".

Strange to say, the R.V. disregards the presence of this de, but, or yet.  It inserts in the preceding clause the word "whereas", and thus supplies the Ellipsis of the men, though or whereas, because it is clearly implied and indicated by the presence of this de, which it ignores, though it is actually there.
  3. Gk., typos, type. R. V. pattern.
  4. So margin and R. V.

Not "the truth as it is in Jesus", as it is usually misquoted.  For this implies that "truth" can be found apart form Him.  Whereas, the statement is just the opposite.  It is, "as the truth is in Jesus" and in none beside.

Gk., apothesthai, to have put off.  It is not the Imperative Mood, but the Infinitive, and second Aorist Tense.
  7. Gk., ananeousthai.  Present Infinitive Passive.
  8. Genitive of Apposition.

Gk., andusasthai.  It is first Aorist Infinitive, not Imperative.
