Principles of
Right Division

Berean Expositor
Quotable / Zingers




Foundational Beliefs©

That which follows represents the core of what we believe to be true from the scriptures.  It does not represent all of what we believe; just the basis or foundation.  It is upon this foundation that we build and expand our understanding of GOD and HIS Son Jesus Christ our Lord through the medium of the Bible.  If at any time our examination of the written Word of GOD exposes a misunderstanding or uncovers a fallacy in what we believe to be true, we pray that our hearts can remain open to change and our minds ready to do so.  We know and confess to be but men however, the GOD of all grace is sufficient to help us change and with the mind of Christ, we desire to make it so.  Knowing this to be the case, we declare that we believe the following:

God is:

The Creator of the Heavens and Earth and all that is contained
Omniscient, omnipresent and all-powerful.
Invisibleand has no physical form.
Eternal, without beginning or end.

The author of what we know as "The 

One and has revealed HIMSELF in the scriptures we know as
The physical Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and the
spiritual Father of those identified in scripture as HIS sons.
The Giver of HIS gift, holy spirit, to HIS sons.
Identified as being Light, Love and incapable of lying.

Identified as giving Grace, Mercy, Peace, Strength and is
Absolutely just and righteous in HIS word and methods in
dealing with creation.

Entirely beyond human comprehension and understanding
except where HE has elected to use human terms (words) to
demonstrate qualities and characteristics about HIMSELF.

Referred to in scripture and identified by various names or
titles transliterated from the Hebrew as 'Elohim, Jehovah, Jah,
El, Eloah, Elyon, Shaddai, Adon (Adonai, Adonim
) and any
combination therewith; and, from the Greek as Theos, Pater,
Pantokrator, Dunastes, and Kurios

Jesus Christ is:

The only-begotten Son of GOD through physical birth from a
woman named in scripture as "Mary".

A male who was born as the result of GOD creating within the
ovum or egg of Mary 23 chromosomes (the male's
contribution to reproduction) that contributed to His physical
form and character as the Son of GOD.  He possessed His own
consciousness and had the freedom of choice given to all men
since the beginning of man.  He could exercise the same
independence of thought and action as any human son from a
human father. However, He chose to do His Father's Will
and fulfill His Calling.
Identified as the Christ, Anointed, and Messiah.

Identified as the promised Seed of the woman, the Redeemer
and Savior of Israel, in particular, and all creation, in general.

The lamb of GOD foreordained to take away sin (the
imperfection) that entered the creation as it was established
and revealed in Genesis 1:1.

The one who was delivered to death, at Calvary, as the perfect
sacrifice for our sin and was raised 3 days (72 hrs.) later
thereby securing our justification.

The pioneer and the one who perfected what the scriptures call
"faith" or believing GOD. He fulfilled His calling and purpose
completely through His obedience to GOD.
The author of salvation.

The "Word" or logos. As such, He manifested the character of
GOD through His manner of life (His words and actions).  He
presented a picture and understanding of GOD that assisted
our human comprehension of who GOD is and what HE is like.
As "the Living Word", He exemplified the personality or
persona of GOD who, at this point, had only been manifested
through the limited means of spoken and written media.  Jesus
Christ was "God manifest in the flesh" but only in the sense
that He was the concrete revelation of the Word evidenced
through human form and emotional behavior.  As the "Word",
He served as a mirror and reflected the essence of GOD — He
was the image of the invisible GOD.  As GOD is not visible to
the naked eye, HE needed someone to make the invisible,
visible; to make the intangible, tangible.  HIS Son was the
image, representation or likeness of that glory.  What the Son
saw the FATHER do, that is what He did – Christ reflected what
He saw.  It should be apparent that the mirror and the object it
reflects are not one and the same entity or thing.  However,
that which is seen (the object) and its reflection (in the mirror)
can and oftentimes are mistaken as being one and the same.
The scriptures declare that Jesus Christ was the Son of GOD
but not God the Son or any other that would equate with a
Trinitarian formula.

Referred to by many of the same names or titles used of or by
GOD.  As He was the "Word that became flesh", He was able to
demonstrate to the senses what the names and titles used of
and by GOD meant.  In addition, He was able to confirm that He
was the One spoken of and about Whom the prophecies within
the scriptures revealed as the Messiah, the Son of GOD.

Holy Spirit is:
The nature and being of GOD who is both Holy and Spirit.

Identified as a force that can affect creation, both physical and
spiritual, and produce natural and unnatural effects (miraculous
or supernatural).

The Giver of the gift of holy spirit.  The gift of holy spirit comes
from the Giver and is the substance of the Giver but is not the
Giver Itself ("...that which is born of the Spirit is spirit").  The
gift can "come upon" or "reside within" depending on whether
or not it was given conditionally or unconditionally respectively.

The Bible is:

The "Word" or logos in written form as a revelation of the plans,
purpose and goal of GOD pertaining to this creation.  It is the
means that GOD has used to reveal HIMSELF to us.

Trustworthy and inerrant in its original form and language,
biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek.  Hence, the Bible is "Truth".

That collection of writings referred to as "the Scriptures" and
consists of 39 individual "Old Testament" and 27 individual
"New Testament" books as referenced in our English versions.

That which was "given by inspiration of God" or "God—
breathed" to men who were chosen to speak and/or write what
was revealed to them by GOD.  It did not come through the will
of men who decided to write nor did it result from man's

A book of redemption that demonstrates a rift in creation that
occurred after it was originally established and which was
prepared for by means of a Redeemer.  It documents history as
it unfolded with the generations of Adam down to a generation
stemming from one man, Abraham, and a resulting nation that
was called out by GOD to be a holy nation, a kingdom of priests
— the nation of Israel.  This nation was given the Law, written
upon stones, and entered into a covenantal agreement with the
LORD GOD.  Their inability to keep this covenant and Law
quickly became evident and a way had been prepared for their
salvation and the salvation of all mankind.  The prophecies that
run like a red thread through this Bible reveal a coming
Redeemer.  It was out of this nation that the Redeemer would
come and through Whom this nation and all of creation would
be restored.  The Bible is a revelation of the process of
restoration when the ultimate goal will be realized, "God is all in
all".  In addition to the nation of Israel, the Bible refers to
secrets or mysteries that were hidden from view and only
became manifest as time unfolded and GOD chose to reveal
them.  It makes known various callings to individuals outside
the nation of Israel and that GOD had a select purpose for
them.  The Bible reveals that each calling had or has their
respective appointments and duties in the overall scheme of

Profitable or useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness.  It is instrumental for the learning of
all with certain portions specifically addressed to Israel (Jews),
Jews and Gentiles together, and as Gentiles completely
separate and apart from the Jews as a nation.

To be understood literally whenever and wherever possible.
However, there are many instances in scripture when a word or
words are used in a peculiar form or unusual manner and are
not true to fact.  When this occurs, a principle of language is in
use and is referred to as a "figure of speech".  This is a
deliberate departure from the laws of language and uses the
form in which a word or words are used to call attention to what
GOD is endeavoring to emphasize.  There is well over 200
different types of figures of speech used within scripture and
are readily documentable.

Death is:

That which entered physical creation as the result of the sin of
the first man and woman, Adam and Eve respectively.  As all
are descendants of Adam, all children of men share in this sin
and subsequent death.

That which ensues after a living being ceases to breath and all
cellular function stops.  A living being is one that is a soul;
made up of a physical body (consisting of elements from the
ground) and spirit from GOD (which animates the physical
body; referred to in scripture as the "spirit of man").  This spirit
from GOD is not the gift of holy spirit but, that which animates
and produces all the activities of the body — what we call life.

The cessation of the soul.  When death occurs, the soul ceases
to exist.  In other words, the physical body returns to dust and
the spirit (animating life) departs.

The cessation of consciousness.  The consciousness of a
living being is made up of a physical component (i.e., the brain)
and the spirit from GOD.  When the spirit from GOD departs at
death, the brain ceases to function and consciousness is lost
(or unconsciousness is produced).

Identified as an enemy and will be destroyed as death is
swallowed up in victory.

A state in which all the descendents of Adam are unable to
escape and is referred scripturally as gravedom.  There is one
who did escape the power of the grave and that was Jesus

A temporary state for all who have everlasting life in Christ.
When believers in Christ die, scripture refers to them as being
in a state of sleep, for death and unconsciousness are only
temporary; they will be roused up in resurrection.

Permanent for those who are not written in the Book of Life.
Such are cast into "the lake of fire" and destroyed.  There is
no possibility of a future life apart from Christ ("I am the
resurrection, and the life").

Salvation is:

A rescue from physical and/or spiritual danger, destruction
or unwholeness.

A gift of the grace and mercy of GOD and not based on works
of righteousness.  It flows from HIS purpose and will for

Received and acknowledged by the confession of Jesus of
Nazareth as Christ and Lord.  This is only possible by believing
in one's heart that GOD raised Him from among the dead.  It is
only in and through Jesus the Christ that salvation can be

Faith is:

That which comes from hearing the words pertaining to Christ
and that from GOD.  It is the acceptance of that which you have
heard as being true or trustworthy.

The requirement that GOD has stipulated for us to receive what
HE has made available to us in and through Christ.

Obedience to what we have heard from GOD.  It is the
manifestation that we believe what GOD has spoken to be true.
It is a reaction to the Word of GOD.

That conviction which emanates from the heart.

Dispensational Truth is:

Truth that falls under the stewardship or administration of an
individual who has been chosen by GOD to reveal HIS manner,
scheme, plan or system of dealing with a select or determined
group or class of people (i.e., a particular steward dealing with
a specific household).  Truth finds itself divided into 3
categories; 1) Doctrinal, 2) Practical and, 3) Dispensational.
Scripture that is dispensational has a view or angle that
pertains to those to whom it is written.  Any truth taken out of
its divinely given dispensational place and transported over
into another dispensation does not only become untrue but can
flow contrary to truth (that is, anti–truth).

A principle of right division.  Scripture teaches that a workman
of the Word of GOD must "rightly divide" or "cut in a straight
line" the Word of Truth.  This cutting must be along
dispensational boundaries in order to distinguish TO WHOM or
ABOUT WHOM a biblical passage is written.  It is the concept of
interpretation versus application.  Ignorance of this principle
has produced hundreds of years of inappropriately applied
scriptural passages.  Indeed, many core beliefs of various
church organizations and religions are scripturally inaccurate
and even unscriptural.

Vital to understanding the truths contained within the Pauline
Epistles.  Although the doctrinal order of these epistles is
essential to understanding the truths contained therein, the
chronological order of the same is just as essential if not more
so.  The chronological order (the order and time in which they
were written) is subdivided into two categories; Paul's Early
or Acts ministry (during which time Romans, Corinthians,
Galatians, Thessalonians and Hebrews were written), and his
Post-Acts ministry (during which time Ephesians, Philippians,
Colossians, Timothy, Titus and Philemon were penned).  The
dividing line is Acts 28:25-28.  This occurred when Paul was
taken as a prisoner to Rome (approx. 70 A.D.).  Up to this point,
the Bible is an historical documentary of GOD's focus and
attention being centered upon the one nation of Israel.
However, as demonstrated at the end of the Book of Acts
(28:25–28), Israel's last and final rejection of the Messiah,
GOD's anointed, and HIS salvation is evident and accepted.
GOD in turn rejects them and sends HIS salvation directly to
the other nations (Gentiles).  This hidden agenda or secret
(mystery) is unfolded in the epistles that Paul wrote during and
following his imprisonment (i.e., Ephesians, Philippians,
Colossians, 1 & II Timothy, Titus and Philemon).  It is this
mystery and gospel that is specifically addressed to those of
us who are Gentiles today.

Doctrinal Concepts.
Justification is:
Done for us freely as an act of GOD's grace.

Secured by the redemption accomplished by our Lord
Jesus Christ.  He is the only way for mortal man to be just
with GOD.  We are justified through the blood or Jesus
Christ.  We are not justified by attempting to keep the Law
of Moses.

The verbal form of "righteous".  To be
"justified" is to be "declared righteous".
Sanctification is:

The process of consecration or making holy.  It separates
or sets apart whatever is sanctified from that which is not.

Accomplished through the "Word"; the Living Word,
Jesus Christ, and the written Word, the Bible.
Righteousness is:
The state of being just or right with GOD.

The "just balance" and the "just weight".  It is the
preciseness of 16 ounces to the pound or 12 inches to
the foot.  Anything that tips the scale and shows the
balances being unequal is not righteous or just.

A gift that is ours as sons of GOD through the finished
work of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is that which makes us
"unblameable" or "faultless" in GOD's court of law (our
legal standing before GOD).
Sonship is:
The quality or state of being a son of GOD.
Secured by the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Redemption is:

The setting free or delivering of one held captive through
the act of another.  There are 2 aspects of redemption; 1)
the blood of the Passover lamb (providing deliverance
and release) and, 2) the restoration of inheritance (to do
the part of the kinsman redeemer for your next of kin – to
intervene and restore their inheritance).

That which delivers us from the consequence of sin –
death.  This is accomplished through the shedding of
blood, as without the giving of life there can be no
redemption from the consequence of sin.

Only found in the sacrificial offering of Jesus the Christ.
He was the Lamb of GOD that willingly allowed His blood
to be shed – He gave His life.  The giving of life (shedding
of blood) secures the redemption and it is on the
principle of substitution that He was able to give His
life for ours.
Baptism is:

A symbolism of purification and cleansing.  It began with
Israel's ceremonial washings in the Old Testament and
carried over to John the Baptist in connecting it with
repentance.  The cleansing of the skin (on the outside of
the body) was to typify what would take place on the
inside.  With the resurrection and ascension of Jesus
Christ, a new type of baptism was initiated which was
typified in the receiving of the gift of holy spirit.  The
dispensational character of water baptism faded in the
Book of Acts while the "baptism with holy spirit"

For us today our being identified as taking part in the
death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord.
We receive a symbolic cleansing internally by taking part
of the same.
Purpose is:

The setting forth of a thing such as a plan.  It is that which
GOD intends to do and cannot be thwarted or altered.

That which involves callings or invitations to specific
individuals or groups of individuals.

That which is fulfilled in Christ and the pinnacle of which
is reached when "God is all in all".

Revealed in the Bible as an unfolding of HIS Will in the
redemption of creation.  It is part of the purpose of GOD
to call and position us in the Body of Christ as sons and
seat us with Christ far above the heavenlies.
Calling is:

An invitation to fill a specific position or function to
which we should respond.  There are 3 major callings in
scripture; the calling of Israel (covering the majority of
the Old Testament and the Gospels), 2) the calling of the
Church of God (spanning Acts 2 up to Acts 28:25-28)
and, 3) the calling of the Church of the Mystery, the Body
of Christ (Acts 28:28 and onwards).



  THE CHRISTIAN'S GREATEST NEED     Harden Not Your Hearts  
  The TWO NATURES        
        in the Child of God
  Sexual Ethics: A Biblical Perspective     Death No Gateway To Heaven  

"We write, however for a wider circle, and desire to place before them the testimony of all Scripture on this subject, believing that he who has the truth need not fear the fullest light, but will know beforehand, that if what he holds is truth, the fuller the search the fuller will be the confirmation.  Moreover, if his desire be honest, he will welcome the testimony of all scripture, so that should any error have crept into his creed it may be exposed and put away."  C.H. Welch from "Hell or 'Pure from the blood of all men'"